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Join Art Rituals for a Sustainable Art Practice!

 In today's fast-paced world, finding the time and motivation for a regular art practice can be challenging. We often find ourselves caught up in a never-ending list of tasks and passions that compete for our attention. As a result, our art making gets pushed to the side or abandoned altogether.

We've all experienced the initial burst of excitement when embarking on a new creative journey, only to lose steam and feel guilty for not sticking with it. But fear not, there is a simple yet powerful solution that can give your inner artist the best possible chance: routines and rituals.

By incorporating specific activities into your art journaling routine, you can nourish your practice and make it truly meaningful. These rituals serve as a signal to your inner artist that it's time to shine, fostering a deep connection with your creative spark. Whether it's lighting a candle, brewing a cup of tea, or engaging in a favourite activity, these artful rituals set the tone for each painting session and can even impact the rest of your day.

That's why we created Art Rituals! Our aim is to help you experience the best possible art practice, making it an integral part of your life rather than just an occasional luxury. We have curated beautiful videos from our guest artists, along with handouts containing extra ideas. Additionally, I will be sharing a full art journaling lesson with you.

7 Artists share their ways to create their art rituals.

From organising their art supplies, creating the perfect atmosphere, overcoming procrastination, intentional living, getting in the zone, finding your flow, teaching others to release the creative energy, to foraging and physical movement that support our art practice.

And there's so much more!

We have 7 videos from 7 different Artists:

Finnabair explains how to stay focused and avoid the distractions, how to create a welcoming and efficient workspace, how to take it slow and let the project open up in your heart and mind.

Claudette Hasenjager shows us how she organises her art supplies and projects to create a productive art process. She also explains her super strategy that gives her something to look forward to and makes it easier to start getting the next day.

Robyn McClendon shares her art rituals which include writing, slowing down and activating her body to become present, allowing her awareness to come alive.

Iris Fritschi-Cussens emphasises the importance of normalizing the unromantic and non-Instagrammable aspects of being a creative person. This video is a real treasure that will make you feel empowered to make your art practice serve YOU, not others.

Jeanne Oliver shares her gorgeous art space and her soulful rituals that have made a big difference in her quality of life and creative practices. From taking breaks and traveling to intentional living and managing your inspiration sources. This one is not to be missed as Jeanne's experience is a wealth of knowledge.

Wendy Brightbill video is a huge treat for everyone who wants to refresh their art space (physical and in your hearts!) From cleaning and reorganising your studio, to getting inspired by your own work as well as sharing the creative energy by teaching others.

Francisca Nunes talks about how she sets the mood in her art space, how she finds inspiration in nature and lots more.

The 8th video is a bonus from me, Kasia Avery.

The lessons we learn from nature.

I explain how nature can inform our art, and I create an art journaling spread. This video lesson is 36 mins long and includes a full double-spread tutorial, suitable for beginners.

But that's not all!

We've also included...

5 printable guides

to nourish rituals that can support your art practice.

These inspirational handouts will give you the ideas and prompts to ponder on, such as how to be mindful with the content that we consume, how to include movement in your art rituals, how to find quiet amongst the chaos and more! Each guide is several pages long.



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