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Art for Self-Care

Self-Care is a big thing right now (and rightly so). There are LOTS of ways to practice it, and it looks different for everyone. But do you know what ticks all the self-care AND self-expression boxes all in one? A mindful art practice.

Have you ever considered carving out time every day (or regularly) to dedicate to creating wild, freeing, zero-judgement art?

Let me tell you, it's a game changer.

You can write down all the thoughts floating around in your head (even the deepest darkest ones that you wouldn't say out loud). You can leave them visible, using them as a background, or you can cover them up with thick sweeps of acrylic paint and get lost in the feel of pushing your paintbrush through the medium, and before you know it, you'll suddenly have some headspace and clarity.

You can use your art as a way to preserve precious memories, shine light on the people, places and things that you love, swatch colours and create palettes that make you feel excited to create, and scribble and doodle 'til the cows come home.

Art journaling is a brilliant format to do all of those things, and more...

With an art journal, there are no rules. There are no pressures and expectations. You don't even have to show the art to another soul if you don't want to. It can be even just 5 minutes of pure expression a day that's yours all yours.

Intuitive art is the perfect way to let go and clear our minds. Just trusting the process and allowing ourselves to be led by instinct towards which materials and marks we want to make next. You can join me over on youtube to art journal intuitively with me...

If you're a nature lover and you like to get inspired by that in your art, I have a sneaky feeling you'll love this video that Francisca Nunes created for our Wanderlust Live event in 2022, called the mindful gardener. Watch to see her beautiful flower garden, and how it inspires her to create intuitively and colourfully in her art journal!

Ok, that's it from me today. Remember you can always find plentiful inspiration from us over at the Everything Art IG!


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